Selling Your Home in 10 Easy Steps:

What Effects Market Value

  • Physical Aspects of the Property
    • Location, age, size of house and lot, condition, floor plan, updates to home & it’s architectural style
  • Current Market Conditions
    • Interest Rates
    • Buyer Demand
    • Recently Sold Properties
  • Competition
    • Similar properties for sale in the area

Conducting a CMA

A CMA, or Comparative Market Analysis, uses information through the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) to estimate the market value of a property based on the recent market:

  • Properties Sold
  • Pending Sales
  • Competing Listings
  • Cancelled Listings

Pricing Your Home To Sell

  • A listing generates the most interest for buyers when it first goes on the market. Correct pricing is key!
  • Starting too high and dropping the price can hurt your listing
  • Buyers are often hesitant to buy homes that have been sitting on the market
  • Competitive pricing generates the most showings and offers

De-Clutter and Staging

  • The majority of buyers are seeking out properties that are “move-in” ready. De-cluttering & staging helps them visualize themselves living in your space
  • Staged homes on average sell 3X faster
  • Staged homes help to increase perceived value
  • Photos are really buyers first “showing” its important to have photos that are professional and make a great first impression

Marketing Your Listing

  • Professional Photography
  • Property Brochures
  • “Just Listed” Postcards
  • Open Houses
  • Online Ads
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Property Website
  • Ongoing Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Offer & Negotiation

Once you receive an offer or perhaps multiples, we will determine at time to review. In multiple offers we may set a deadline for other buyers to submit their highest and best offer by a certain date and time.

  • When reviewing we will go over all terms in the Purchase Agreement
  • Some offers may be more advantageous than others with fewer contingencies, stronger financing etc.
  • As your advocate I will help you determine which offer is best for you and your situation

Home Inspection

The Purchase Agreement may be contingent on the buyer conducting a home inspection of the property.

  • Timeline for this will be determined in the Purchase Agreement (typically 5-7 days)
  • Requests for repairs or further negotiations following the inspection may arise


If the buyer is financing, their lender will send an appraiser out to do a valuation on the home.

  • Results are given usually within 7-10 days
  • If the appraisal comes in lower than the sale price additional negotiations will take place
  • Once this process is complete most of what occurs takes place behind the scenes
  • Onward to closing!

Final Walkthrough

Prior to closing the buyer may choose to do a final walkthrough. This time is for the buyers to check that the home is move-in ready, and any requests or personal property that were negotiated have been addressed or are present.

  • Typically done the day before, or day of closing


Your title company will let you know what you will need to bring to closing. In some cases you may have already pre-signed your documents.

  • Closing typically takes an hour
  • Title officially passes to the buyer


After closing you are all set! Your home is officially sold.

Interested in selling your home? Click Here

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